Бет дитто
August 23, Ditto, who is openly lesbian , is well known for her outspoken support of both lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender LGBT , and feminist causes. The Daily Telegraph. Retrieved August 20,
Beth Ditto
Retrieved July 13, Retrieved May 27, August 23, November 22,
1. Ditto at Roskilde Festival
2. Retrieved June 27,
By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Подписаться на еженедельную рассылку. April 27, She is known for her stage dances and her unique and revealing image. In other projects Wikimedia Commons.

После съемок для журналов, Дитто серьезно задумалась о создании своей линии одежды. Паттерсон совершенно не стесняется своих пышных форм и периодически появляется на обложках журналов в обнаженном виде. Retrieved June 24, Retrieved January 7, Retrieved March 13,
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. The San Francisco Examiner. Retrieved June 27,
November 20,
Ditto at Roskilde Festival После съемок для журналов, Дитто серьезно задумалась о создании своей линии одежды. She classes herself as a punk , and thus neither uses deodorant nor shaves under her armpits, having once remarked, "I think punks usually smell. See also:
She is known for her stage dances and her unique and revealing image. In she was featured posed nude on the front cover of music magazine NME.
June 24, Retrieved June 24, Фото Non-album single charity single.

Retrieved January 7,
January 6, Retrieved March 27, This page was last edited on 3 February , at Комментарии 1. Все комментарии 1.
Marianne Kirby, writing in The Guardian , said the "collection struck a nerve with its iconic pieces" and that it was an "international success". Среди поклонников известна под псевдонимом Бет Дитто. Видео 1.
The Huffington Post. Мэри Бет Паттерсон родилась 19 февраля года в Серси, Аризона. Бет Дитто - "I Wrote the Book". Singer marries long-term girlfriend Kristin Ogata".